The Eagle Vision...
Let Your Eagle Soar!


 Shirley Knapp
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As I watch the bald eagles soar in the blue sky above my head here in Alaska, I am reminded of the story that inspired this article.

This past summer “Sibyl” and her staff contacted me after they discovered my web site and felt the alignment of my work with their print magazine. Sibyl called me, and we were discussing how our creative projects would weave together.

As we were having this most lofty and expansive conversation, I looked out and saw three bald eagles flying by my window. This happened at a moment of consequence in our visioning, and we shared the excitement as we knew the presence of these eagles augured well for our projects with the vision and creative power that these magnificent birds bring.

The bald eagle is our majestic national symbol for vision and freedom here in the U.S. When we apply the eagle vision in our lives, we can transform our creative blocks.

The importance of releasing these fears is to live a life filled with passion and joy.

A good way to facilitate this is in your meditation. Visualize yourself giving your creative center to the eagle for transformation. See yourself soaring with the eagle to a high mountain. Once you are on top of the mountain, soar above your creative block and see the limitless possibilities not visible from the ground.

There may also be the possibility that you are getting stuck in problem solving for others and are losing sight of your own creativity. Use this visualization to clear away other energy around your creativity so your heart is once again filled with limitlessness and expansiveness.

You may do this meditation anytime to revive and renew your energetic flow.

Stretch your talons and you will feel the freedom of the wind underneath your soul as you let your eagle soar!

Joy is Always Your Choice. Choose it!

About the Author:

Shirley Knapp, U.S.A. Shirley Knapp is an internationally recognized spiritual teacher and author of "Sustaining Joy" who leads groups in personal growth. She has been in a holistic private practice, teaching and embracing individuals and groups since 1986. Shirley’s mission is to heal, love and serve the world by transforming ourselves and helping others transform in joy. Browse our web site for other products with this focus in mind.

© 2002-2015 Shirley Knapp All rights reserved

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An Article by Shirley Knapp

Do you endure creative blocks? Let Shirley show you how to soar with your eagles and transform those blocks into limitless creativity.