Shirley Knapp
Phone 828-736-7100 • Fax 267-960-6440
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Received a phenomenal reading today. If you're looking for deep
and personal reading, call
~ Eve Haslam, Facebook post
For more
information on Consultations and Private Sessions with Shirley,
click here.

E-mail Subject: Infinite Gratitude
Dear Shirley,
My deepest Gratitude for your guidance last Thursday. Indeed, For the first
time in my life I feel FULLY AWAKENED. Now that I am ready to accept my
Power, Spirit is bringing Vision after Vision of what it has planned for me...
Sending Bright Light, Healing Blessings, and Big Love!
p.s. Please enjoy and feel free to share my attached song, Black River,
which was written in the Rainforest of Brazil...
~ Raphael
here for the song
For more
information on Consultations and Private Sessions with Shirley,
click here.

I listen to Shirley's tapes, it is as though I am in her presence,
feeling relaxed and in a higher place. Because living and working in
the city create a tremendous amount of stress and distractions, I use
the tape daily to keep balanced which allows me to focus on what I
need to do and what I want to accomplish. ~ Joan Ubank,
Opera Singer, New York City, N.Y.
For more
information on Shirley's Audios, click here.

clear connection with the love and wisdom of many realms of life
always serves as a wonderful reminder to me to come more fully into my
SELF. From that remembering, I feel supported and empowered in letting
my life and work unfold with more and more trust, joy, and co-creative
energy. ~ Wendy Walsh, Consultant, Norwich, Vermont
For more
information on Consultations and Private Sessions with Shirley,
click here.

Greetings. My name is
Phyllis and I am a Doctor of Naturology and Certified Hypnotherapist.
I want to applaud your what I would call guided imagery: the one where
I was able to connect with dolphins and whales. I have listened to
probably hundreds of guided imageries and have written and composed
some of my own, but this one that you created is sensational! I will
continue to follow your practice and refer your work. In the
light....all the best to you, Namaste.... ~ Phyllis Neri, DN CHt,
Sugarland, Texas

received many readings from different psychics and counselors, but
what makes Shirley's readings exceptional is the COMPASSION and ENERGY
that is present. She truly knows how to work with the dolphin-healing-consciousnes!
She helps one to reconnect with the Self that lies beyond the body,
mind and emotions. When we do that, we remember that everything is
perfect. ~ Ashleea Nielson, Author/Inter species communication,
Maui, Hawaii
For more
information on Consultations and Private Sessions with Shirley,
click here.

initial visitation with Shirley Knapp was to heighten sensitivity as
an artist, that is to develop a level of artistic achievement never
before attained in my past experience. What happened was not only an
artistic flow beyond my expectation, but a healing experience for
variety of concerns in my future visits. The love, joy and self
confidence of my mind has achieved heights far beyond my imagination
and the growth and experience of energy is everlasting. ~ Keith
Gallup, Artist/Educator, St. Albans, Vermont
For more
information on Energy Balancing Sessions with Shirley,
click here.

Hi Shirley,
Just a quick note to let you know how
much I enjoyed our session, and how much I benefited from it. For
hours after we hung up, I went from burning up in the face to being
extremely gaunt and painfully dry skinned. I tried to email a friend
quickly before lying down and was not even able to lift my hands to
the keyboard. The next morning I awoke with a stye in my right eye, a
cold sore on the right corner of my mouth and back pain more severe
than I have experienced in years. For the next two days I felt
weighted down and exhausted. My legs were also in a great deal of
pain...especially in the areas along the outside where the lymphatic
system drains. Sunday evening I started to feel better and Monday was
able to get a massage to help move things through my system.
Today I had a CranioSacral treatment
with my physical therapist. She said a great deal of healing has taken
place in my body. She has worked with me for three years so she knows
of what she speaks. Now I am energized and open to new thoughts and
ideas. I can't thank you enough and look forward to another session in
the future. ~
Berger, Newport, Rhode Island
P.S. ...[M]y physical
therapist/CranioSacral practitioner will be in touch for a session
with you as well.
Note: Pam's session was an Energy Balancing by phone.
For more
information on Energy Balancing and Private Sessions with Shirley,
click here

Shirley has extraordinary
gifts that come through in her consultations and energy work, and I have
been blessed to work with her now for more than 15 years. Her energy
work made me into a new person - I feel different, I react
differently. I am different. Her intuitive messages have always been right on, even
when I didn't understand them. They kept me going as I struggled to let
go and become myself. I’ve been able to
release a lot
of old, old stuff in my archetypal cellular memory, making me lighter
and freer. Although I didn't know it at the time (do we
ever), I had a lot of inner work yet to do when I began working with
Shirley. I feel like all this work would have taken
much longer without her assistance, and I am very grateful for Shirley and her generous,
caring, seemingly endless support. ~ Judy
Katz, Consultant, Elmore, Vermont
For more
information on Energy Balancing and Private Sessions with Shirley,
click here

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Dear Shirley,
....I wanted to let you know how I heard about you and your work - I receive the
daily inspirational message from Inner The focusing thought for
yesterday, Feb. 15th, [2003] was entitled "I Live From the Heart". The
passage was an excerpt from "Sustaining Joy". The words in the message spoke
directly to my heart. I then clicked to read more and was put into a web
site where I was able to read the entire article. The message was exactly
what I needed to hear and become aware of at this time in my life. Your
statement about going into the heart in order to become aligned with soul
and purpose touched me at a deep level. I am doing the suggested exercises
- they are powerful!
I wanted to learn more about the author of this dynamic article, so I went
into your web site. It's very beautifully done - thank you for putting
yourself and your ideas 'out there' - your courage and willingness to be
aligned with your purpose is not only personally helpful for me, but a
tremendous blessing to our planet....
In respect and gratitude,
Pamela Welch 
strong visual images and messages conveyed within my soul portrait
provided me with an inner knowledge and a special connection to my
higher self. After working through a process of evaluation and change,
which gave me new insights of old perceptions, patterns and belief
systems, I experienced very deep transformation within my visual work
and personal growth as a woman and artist. I want to thank you for
enlightening me on an intellectual and spiritual level, and opening my
heart and mind to further explore my life and creative endeavors.
~ Liz Wingfield, Artist and Designer, Chicago, Illinois
For more information on Soul Portraits, Shirley's artwork depicting your soul path,
click here

Shirley's groups are inspiring, heart
warming, and spiritually expanding. I look forward to each one. ~ Nancy Baker ACSW, Clinical Social Worker, Norwich, Vermont
For more
information on Workshops conducted in your area by Shirley,
click here.

Shirley is an amazing healer! I have
worked on and off with her for 17 years!! She is able to
pinpoint my emotional and physical pathology right over the phone.
After our session, I go away from it feeling lighter and I can feel
the healing taking place in my body all day long. Her messages
to me from the angelic realm are so on target and so life affirming.
She is truly "connected" to spirit! I feel so glad to know her.
And so very grateful. ~ Joan Sobel, Soprano Singer, Las
Vegas, Nevada
For more
information on Energy Work and Private Sessions with Shirley,
click here

Shirley Knapp is a gifted
spiritual intuitive. Shirley's soothing voice is a direct reflection
of her healing abilities. Instead of dealing with symptoms, she took
me to the root cause of my acute distress which was imbedded in
cellular memory. This kind of in-depth past-life regression is
essential to genuine emotional and physical healing. Shirley is a true
servant of Spirit. ~ Dr. Linda Lee
Talbert, Boulder, Colorado
For more
information on Energy Work and Private Sessions with Shirley,
click here

Testimonials for Shirley's Classes
and Coursework..
Practice of Holistic Self-Healing Self-Paced CNE
click here
Developing Your Intuition Teleclass
click here
Developing Your Intuition Live Class
click here
Healing the Healer Home Study Course click here
Intuitive Energy Healing Live Class
click here
Intuitive Energy Healing Class - Aurameter Technique Live
click here
Manifesting Your Dreams Teleclass
click here
Practice of
Holistic Self-Healing Self-Paced Activity
I completed the "Practice of Holistic
Self-Healing" self-paced course and loved it! The concepts of holism and
self-healing peaked my interest. I am more aware that some modifications
in my daily living need adjustment. I am using the learned strategies to
modify and benefit my personal and professional well-being for inner
balance. One take away was that self-healing is in OUR control. Shirley
does accomplish a lot in this course and heightened my curiosity in
meditation use! I am improving my life by learning more about holistic
practices, as well. I can say that the information presented in the
course altered my life positively. My journey has just begun. Thank you
Shirley, awesome course. ~ Iris Cornell, PhD, RN For more information about
this class,
click here
Developing Your Intuition Teleclass
Awesome – Powerful – Life Changing. For me, these words just
begin to describe the powerful effects of this course on my daily life.
I now experience less stress and more joy and the positive flow of my
days continues to amaze me as I am learning to better listen to, trust,
and follow my intuitions. I finally understand the importance of daily
meditation in developing my intuitions as well as how to better stay
grounded in my day. It’s awesome! Like a springboard this information
continues to take me to new heights in releasing my fears and enjoying
greater trust, like my recent, first time, 18,000 foot skydive over
Monterey, CA. I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing this before I took
Shirley’s life changing class. I am ever so grateful to Shirley for this
information! ~ Annette Johnson, Anchorage, Alaska
For more information about
this class,
click here
I have known Shirley for over 5 years and consider
her to be my spiritual teacher. She is a gifted intuitive. Her insights
and observations have been extremely helpful to me as I progress on my
path. She can tap into my energy field and clear blockages.
I have been a student in her teleclass on Intuition. In that format, she
was well prepared and organized, presented the material in a clear and
concise manner. She encouraged questions and comments from the students
and had exercises for us to do between classes.
Shirley has been a true blessing in my life and I am grateful that she
has had the courage and inner strength to pursue her gifts! With my
love, Jean ~ Jean Haltom, Educator, Administrator, Farmington,
Missouri For more information about this class,
Your Intuition Live Class
Shirley is a gifted teacher. I remember taking a
class with her, gathered in her small, cozy living
room, sitting comfortably with about 6 or 7 others. You knew that
everyone there had various issues in their own life, but somehow it was
possible to move beyond the personal in these classes and get a
spiritual perspective on our lives. Shirley is blessed with the ability
to access the transpersonal level and also be present for each person in
the room! Her infectious humor is very healing! ~ Wendy Sichel,
Thetford, VT For more information about
this class,
click here
Healing the Healer Home
Study Course
"Great course which I thoroughly
enjoyed. The material confirmed things I have heard before and been
working toward, but gave me new tools and techniques to live a more
satisfying life. The exercises were very helpful in making the point of
the written material. The exercises are also realistic and anyone can
incorporate them into their daily life practices. The content was clear
and easy to understand. I was hesitant to take a home study course but I
am completely satisfied with this course and look forward to taking
future courses with this instructor."
Cathryn Ayers, RN, BSN, CCRN, LMBT For more information about
this class,
click here
Intuitive Energy Healing
Live Class
It was highly remarkable to watch and
experience this amazing form of healing. From bottom to top it’s
expansive and thorough, more than I’ve experienced from other healing
techniques. I felt honored and fascinated to observe past life cellular
memory healing. I didn’t know this was even possible. I would like to
take this class again because the experience of it was incredibly
powerful for all of us in the class. ~ Annette Johnson, Anchorage,
Alaska For more information about
this class,
click here
I enrolled in Shirley's workshop "Intuitive Energy
Healing". The process demonstrated the wonderful things that can occur
when a group comes together to fulfill a common goal, that of healing
ourselves and others. The atmosphere of community encourages you to step
forward to investigate your skills and paves the way for you to continue
in your efforts to evolve and become all that you can be. It helped me
to learn to quiet my mind to listen within and trust in the messages
that lie there.
Shirley's workshop was well-organized, the schedule allowing us the time
to integrate our thoughts and absorb the process along the way. This is
an important part of any workshop, and one that is greatly appreciated
by me. The group interaction created a bond and sense of community that
supports each of us in our journey and strengthens us. Opportunities to
hear each others' stories gave us valuable insight and new perspective,
as well as offered additional tools that we could put to good use in our
own Spiritual journeys.
Shirley's coaching did not end with the workshop, she continues to
provide joyful, enthusiastic encouragement and support that is vital to
our progress, and provides great acknowledgement of each step taken. I
feel as though I've received a "gold star" for a job well done; and she
has faith in the next step being just as successful, celebrating with us
the progress made. This fuels me with excitement and energy to move on
to the next step. This nurturing can only result in the best levels of
the accomplishment of our goals and dreams. Betty ~ Betty
Ruks, Anchorage, Alaska
For more information about
this class,
click here
attended Shirley Knapp's classes "Intuitive Energy Healing" and
"Intuitive Energy Healing-Aurameter Technique" with great anticipation.
After completing my Chiropractic Doctoral and starting my business over
25 years ago I felt the innate "sense of knowing" in assisting others
had drastically reduced after receiving the "book knowledge". Through
the years I experienced many "miracles", but still felt something was
missing. Shirley's classes reconnected me with my intuition and
supported me in re-developing a deeper level of connection with my
patients. A richer "Knowing" than I had even prior to the college
I have found these techniques to be valuable in assisting
patients in connecting to their pain and helping them release it through
the energy healing techniques.
The classes were well structured and taught with a true sense of passion
for group and personal healing. I would recommend these classes to
anyone desiring additional intuitive connection in their life! ~ Dr.
Margaret A Strickland, Chiropractor, Anchorage, Alaska
For more information about this class,
click here
Energy Healing – Aurameter Technique Live
Aurameter looks extraterrestrial to me, but it’s not! What an awesome
healing tool it is! It intrigued me, watching it pinpoint energy
blockages, thus a more concentrated effort by the healer and more
thorough healing could take place. I couldn’t wait to get my own aurameter! This class is a must for anyone working with body energies
and healing. Thank you Shirley for introducing me to this fabulous
healing tool, and for your clear, concise teaching on how to use it!
Annette Johnson, Anchorage, Alaska
For more information about
this class,
click here
attended Shirley Knapp's classes "Intuitive Energy Healing" and
"Intuitive Energy Healing-Aurameter Technique" with great anticipation.
After completing my Chiropractic Doctoral and starting my business over
25 years ago I felt the innate "sense of knowing" in assisting others
had drastically reduced after receiving the "book knowledge". Through
the years I experienced many "miracles", but still felt something was
missing. Shirley's classes reconnected me with my intuition and
supported me in re-developing a deeper level of connection with my
patients. A richer "Knowing" than I had even prior to the college
I have found these techniques to be valuable in assisting
patients in connecting to their pain and helping them release it through
the energy healing techniques.
The classes were well structured and taught with a true sense of passion
for group and personal healing. I would recommend these classes to
anyone desiring additional intuitive connection in their life! ~ Dr.
Margaret A Strickland, Chiropractor, Anchorage, Alaska
For more information about this
Manifesting Your Dreams Teleclass
an important class this is for us all! It is scary and/or hard to
believe for most of us that we can really have what we want in life.
Most of us let our minds (home of our fears) and beliefs get in our way.
Since Creation or God or Spirit communicates with us through our
feelings, I am thoroughly excited about practicing and instilling the
concepts Shirley presents in this magnificent course and watching my
dreams manifest in my life. Of course, you’ll find “Expect a Miracle” on
my refrigerator! I look forward to helping others with this very
important information. Thank you Shirley for this magnanimous course!
Annette Johnson, Anchorage, Alaska
For more information,
click here

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